How Think Left Began
My name is Rachel, I currently live in Somerset, and I am
a licensed Trainer for Total Wellbeing Matters.
From a young age, I displayed a passion to help others,
so a natural career choice was to work in customer
service. I pride myself on being naturally personable and
always professional, thriving to make my customers
happy. A happy customer is a long-time customer with
mutual trust.

When I moved into a senior management role with a
FTSE100 company I found I could continue my interest
but now focus on my team, for them to be “Happy
Customers” this meant they had to be happy in
themselves, and this is where my passion for Mental
Health awareness started.
I joined a local Somerset business to lead the implementation of a world class customer journey, to deliver a truly world class customer experience, the people delivering it have to be engaged.
For this to happen, I needed the skills and understanding to ensure our colleagues were given the support and help when needed. I asked the question – “How could we pride
ourselves on being about our people but not really understand mental health?”

Which led the actions to me becoming a fully trained Mental Health first aider & Total Wellbeing Trainer through Amandas amazing trust and guidance, the managing director of Total Wellbeing who asked me to join the journey.
The results were beyond anything I thought possible, my learnings and experiences have given me a unique opportunity to help other businesses. The third stage in my career has now started, from customers, to colleagues and to companies.